von fe 18.11.2017 15:29 Uhr

AC/DC: Malcolm Young ist tot

Der 64 Jahre alte Mitbegründer der populären Rock-Band AC/DC, Malcolm Young, ist tot. Dies teilte die Band am Samstag auf ihrer Facebook-Seite mit.

Bild: Facebook

Seit mehreren Jahren litt Young an Demenz und scheidete 2014 krankheitsbedingt endgültig aus der Band aus. Sein Bruder Angus Young, Sänger von AC/DC schreibt: „Es ist als sein Bruder schwer in Worte zu fassen, was er für mich bedeutet hat. Das Band zwischen uns war einzigartig und sehr speziell. Er lässt ein großes Erbe zurück, das für immer weiterleben wird.“

Seine ehemaligen Band-Kollegen verabschieden ihn auf Facebook:

Today it is with deep heartfelt sadness that AC/DC has to announce the passing of Malcolm Young.
Malcolm, along with Angus, was the founder and creator of AC/DC.
With enormous dedication and commitment he was the driving force behind the band.
As a guitarist, songwriter and visionary he was a perfectionist and a unique man.
He always stuck to his guns and did and said exactly what he wanted.
He took great pride in all that he endeavored.
His loyalty to the fans was unsurpassed.
As his brother it is hard to express in words what he has meant to me during my life, the bond we had was unique and very special.
He leaves behind an enormous legacy that will live on forever.
Malcolm, job well done.

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